"The Toxic Avenger," a musical comedy romance story shown live at George Street Playhouse. The play is directed by John Rando and works with David Saint, the artistic director, and Todd Schmidt, the managing director to create of the best musical plays theatre has to offer. The kind of theatre that the show was displayed on was the thrust theatre along with a very cleaver and unique set on stage. The audience at the time was ranged from nearly all ages. There are a lot of features and elements in the play that made it so wonderful and enjoying to every individual.
The story is focused mainly on Melvin Ferd the Third and Sarah. Melvin is a kind young man who wants to save New Jersey from its toxic environment. He has a real affectionate feeling for Sarah who is a very attractive blonde woman who happens to be blind. At the beginning of the play, a couple of bullies were harassing Sarah as Melvin stood up and told them to leave her alone. The situation escalated into Melvin revealing how he really felt about Sarah. Awkwardness came about as the bullies left, Sarah told Melvin that she is going to pretend she didn't hear anything. Towards the end of the scene Melvin told Sarah he will save New Jersey from its toxic environment and was going to see Babs Belgoody, the mayor of Tromaville.
He goes to the mayor about the issue to reveal he knows about her involvement with the toxic waste dump. The mayor panics and decides to make Melvin the deputy to clean up the mess.
However, she tells the bullies to kill him as soon as possible. If the public were to find out she is involved, she wouldn't be able to become governor.
Melvin is in the toxic waste dump as the bullies spot him and throw him head first into a toxic barrel to kill him.
Sarah was walking by as the bullies spot her. They harass her and decide to have a little fun which leads up to a point where they were going to rape her. Before anything could happen, a huge sound was heard and out of the barrel where Melvin was thrown into came out a very strong, brave, and ugly monster, The Toxic Avenger. He jumps down to kill the bullies to save Sarah. She is relieved and automatically falls for him.
I’m not going to continue onward telling you what happens in the story, go watch it, its definitely worth it! Especially if its for a group hang out or a romantic date!
The cast of the play was only five people who acted out multiple characters. David Josefsberg, labeled as white dude, and Demond Green, labeled as black dude, played nearly all the minor characters such as the bullies, workers, Mexican hired workers, couple, backstage dancers, cross dressing dancers, barbershop workers, and many more. Nancy Opel played a Nun, Melvin's mother, Ma Ferd, and Mayor Belgoody. Nick Cordero played Melvin Ferd the Third and Toxy the Toxic Avenger. The beautiful Audra Blaser played Sarah throughout the play.
The performance of all the actors is one hundred percent on the dot perfect. In a personal view, I found no flaw. All the actors disappeared into their role to which at some point of the story thought their were more then five people in the cast. It is highly believable that the actors were real people, an example would be Sarah's actions in acting blind, she would go off stage, the wrong way, drop items where they shouldn't be, and even talk to a complete stranger thinking it was someone she knew.
The language use is really off the bat for people ages thirteen and up. There is some parts where it may seem inappropriate for children. Especially one scene were the mayor and Melvin's mom called each other bitch, slut, whore, and many other nasty sexual theme remarks. It was amazingly outrageous to see the scene when the actor Nancy Opel playing both the mayor and Melvin’s mother at the same time. The audience was really blown away by that performance.
There is even a portrayed sex scene between the scientist and the mayor and the flashing of the mayor's chest. Some of Sarah's scene are sexually intentional from when she is unconscious and spreads her legs, seduces Toxy when he came over for tea, and the Oprah dance scene where she moves her body.
The story's genre is believed to be a comedy romance. The story is focused on Melvin and Sarah's relationship as well as the comedy between all the situations occurring that just can't make the audience stop laughing. The story does complement the subject a lot, though at times it may seem like a horror show, but they would add in comedy in every single action.
The set design is lead by Beowulf Boritt. The set was uniquely designed, on the center of the stage, you will see a circular motion of barrels along with barrels around the side, a hallow green light of water surrounding the stage. The set seriously looked the part for the play's illusion to be performed. When a new scene would arise, they would spin the circular barrel and open it up or turn the barrels over to look the scenes for the library, the office, or Sarah's house. A cleaver and brilliant way to display scenes without much hassle to move things around.
The costume design is done by David Woolard. The costumes definitely fit the character's part. There was diversity between the back stage dancers toward the main character's dancing. The nerd costume and Toxic Avenger costume seemed similar to play its part to let the audience know what happened to Melvin.
Lighting was brilliantly done by Ken Posner. The green hallow look of the water to the walls in the background, the reflection of the water, and finally the lights flowing through the smoke. Everything was preset and made to perfection.
The band that played the music was half hidden above the set. Some of the people in the audience didn't notice the band playing however there was some interaction between the guitarist and the main characters toward the end of the play. The music fit the part perfectly toward my opinion.
The fight direction was done by Rick Sordelet. Even though it was intentionally suppose to look fake, it was made believable from the position of where the action was done. It was close to believable when Toxy was attacking the bullies. It was well done to hide and perform such actions in a live play.
The hair and wig designer is Mark Adam Rampmeyer. All characters had believable hair on them, but what made it most hysterical was when Nancy had to play both Ma Ferd and the Mayor, they made a specific wig and costume design where half of her body was Ma Ferd and the Mayor. She would then fight herself which left the audience laughing throughout the scene.
The director, John Rando, clearly handles every sense to transition toward the next. At times there is a time when the audience is engaged such that part when Toxy is on a killing rampage or when Ma Ferd said its physically impossible for her and the mayor to be in the same room. As far as wishing the actors to do something, I think there really wasn't a moment like that, the director did a real well job at choreographing moment among the play.
The meaning of the story is generally predictable and yet at the same time complex. It's obvious the story is telling us to care about the environment, yet at the same time telling us that love can be found in the most unexpected ways possible. It gives hope to those that feel they aren't meant to be loved because of physical features. In my opinion that's something really emotionally hopefully to give toward anybody in the world.
My overall experience for seeing this play is so great words really cannot describe how much of a good time I had. This is my first experience to see a musical play and I hope to see more again. I loved the story, the in-depth context the story is saying, and the performance which created so much humor in both vocal tone and physical movement.
It's by far a new thing for me to experience live play then seeing a movie and I seriously prefer to see more live performances.
The End! Thanks Ivy and Jeff for watching it with me on my 2nd time and suiting up on FANCY DAY!