Crowns of Desire, a Priston Tale Machinima, created by Sidd
and his clan members of Devotion. Originally, this film was
called Beyond the Gates of Bless Castle: Episode 1. The original
film was a complete success and an Episode 2 was in production.
However, on March 25, 2008, the hard drive containing all the
contents of Episode 2 had completely erased along with everything
else that was valuable in the hard drive. Through a very tough
time, and minor depression, the urge to completing the story came
back to Sidd, and thus he has recreated BTGO-BC Episode 1 to a
full 35 minute film. Will there be a sequel to Crowns of Desire?
Maybe, but it most likely won’t happen for a very long time.
The film has a production history of 15 months of work, a total
of ‘1.1 terabytes’ of FRAPS footage, a mass amount of voice actors,
and finally ideas developed through conversations on ventrilo. The
story behind it all is based on Sidd’s classic fan fiction nobody
read called Priestess Pride.
Here is the outside interview near a Taco Bell:
Reporter: What is your view on your latest work?
Sidd: Well, I wouldn’t consider it my work; it’s more of a group
effort. And it’s pretty much an offensive film aimed to every
single PT player, so I really hope it turns out well with hate
mail and death threats all over my inbox.
Reporter: Why do you want to be hated so badly?
Sidd: I’m XxEmoKidxX, number 1 no lifer in all of PT. I want to
be known to be a biggest no lifer then anybody that plays this
crappy piece shit online children’s video game.
Reporter: So what are your comments on a sequel to your latest film?
Sidd: Meh, I’ll think about it over some tea and burritos for a
sequel, was hoping to end it here, let’s just hope I don’t get
banned for angering the community for my jokes, *lmao*, my aim is
to make it offensive and funny, if no one is offended, then I’m
seriously not doing a good job, if they are, then my goals in life
are complete. Oh ah, if anybody sees Syndicate, tell him I love him
for helping me out to recreate this crappy straight to youtube film!!!
Not in a…gay way…just…you know what I mean >_>. Oh and ahh, if anybody
knows how I can reach Lily, aka ShutUpNSwallow, it be a big help,
I miss her. Iight, later homies, I’m gonna get me some...
SJ: 14 layer?
Sidd: What the hell are you doing here?
SJ: Motha Fuka, who you think drove you here!?
Reporter: Last question before you shove or choke on cancer,
how do you rate this film from 1 to 5?
Sidd: How the hell are you gonna ask the artist the rating,
of course I’m going to say its 5 stars, I’m the f***ing creator,
got to wait for the fans to downvote my crappy youtube videos man.
Reporter: One last question, promise, how does it feel to
completely have a big conversation to yourself in this blog and
most of the film?
Sidd: >_> ……..lonely :\.........................
*plays Simple Plan music*
***how can this happen to me, I made my mistakes…***
JB: Both of you, End your life now!
SJ: Indeed.
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