Its been so many years that I had played Halo. I first started to play halo during my time in the 8th grade of middle school. I used to chill with a group of friends that I had back in kindergarton and stuff, I still try as much as possible to contact these people, but really can't find the time. Anyway, the person in this group who introduced me to Halo and the new generation of video games (xbox1) is Krishan. So, from then on, I was a Halo fanatic.
Because of Halo, I was able to have a hobbie to relate to at school with other students. I was able to socialize and talk about owning everybody was my goal. So I was invited to lan parties and it was all cool, but I noticed that I became an asshole, I would take this game so seriously. Then I noticed that I wasn't getting
invited to these Lan parties anymore. They said I kept winning, and people didn't like the asshole winning and talking smack because it made them feel like quitting. They then went on about how Halo is meant to be played. So these bunch of noobs told me that its all about having fun...together. And they walked off on me.
They were right, games are suppose to be for fun, so I played and tried to never go at it with my full potential, try to be beaten, or play for fun. It was more enjoyable that way and relaxing to lose. I quit Halo 1 afterwards and dwelled into
the realm of PT, but I played halo here and there.
I met Jeff through Halo, and thats what started that friendship. Bungie created a game not only to give us a great time, but to bond friendships that never would have even been possible. And so since we had common interest in video games, communication between us developed and here we are today, best friends.
(Same goes for everybody else, videogames is what started it all. Its the universal
hobbie we can all relate to.)
So, enough with the past, here we are in the present, Halo is still a part of my life and I can never forget what miracles its done for my social life. And so I take the very next step and to create a Halo Machinima. (Machinima is in-game based films, with actual story and dialogue, basically a movie but in game style format.)
Its short, but people are liking what I created. Hopefully there will be a another one soon that will "rox your sox off"! Its been entered into's August
Machinima Contest.
This is my first Halo Machinima. ^^
Thank you for watching! :D
The prize detail:
My video entry Link:
ReplyDeleteThis came out really good, and i'm sure the next will be just as awesome, if not better, but start getting focused and not randomly throwing it out, relying on your "highness" at night. Either way.. good stuff here.
i loved it when you showed it to me several days ago, and watching it again didn't change a thing. its an amazing vid and great story too. keep it up Sidd, and let me know if i can assist in any way.