Sunday, March 22, 2009

Capcom Fighting Evolution – Quick Review


So I understand this game is a good 5 years old, but I can’t help but enjoy old school 2D fighting games. Something about ol’ sprites just gives it that classic arcade feel and GOD do these graphics give you that nostalgia feel. CFE gives you a weak selection of characters from five genres starting with Street Fighter 2, 3 and Alpha, and ending up with Darkstalkers and Red Earth. While the Street Fighter characters look amazing (in fact I wish they would have used these sprites for the HD version of SF2), Red Earth and Darkstalkers look completely aged. I mean seriously..just go stare at Dimitri..he looks terrible! But on to the actual fighting! The complete mix of characters gives you a range of those blazing fast characters..and those sluggish Red Earth guys..I mean they really think a gigantic T-rex is going to beat Ryu? You pick between two characters which you can switch between during the start and end of rounds and if you want you never need to choose your secondary character at all. Which is a good thing since the character they should have added..KEN!..isn’t here. I mean come on really?! Zangief gets a slot but no love for Ken? Er..sorry about that back to gameplay. Character models don’t really effect the fights, you can knock down enemies 10x your size just as if they were in your characters respective game. Something about the AI just brings out the cheapness of each character. It’s understandable for a computer controlled character to have certain characteristics, but it’s completely different when the AI is just bouncing the same 8-hit combo on me over and over again. Sadly the last boss is Pyron from the Darkstalkers series, the cheapest character of them all. Seriously this guy and his vanishing act makes Seth look like a complete douche (oh wait he is..) But he’s not difficult at all. Last but not least, Akuma is unlockable after a few tasks are completed in arcade mode.

Altogether, this isn’t the greatest of fighting games, and it’s really no contender compared to the likes of Marvel vs. Capcom or SNK vs. Capcom, but it gets the point across..Capcom shouldn’t fight amongst itself..just against others.


Rating: 2/5

Pros: It’s another Capcom fighting game? SF characters look great. Might be someones dream matches?..Just not mine.

Cons: Terrible integration of characters. Cheap AI. Weak boss. Lack of GOOD characters.

Note: Kenji from Red Earth is awesome!..For some reason he can do Ryu’s Hurricane Kick! :3

1 comment:

  1. *Sends e-mail to capcom*

    no ken, no game

    you lose


    nice review :E
