“Watchmen” (2009) is a superhero sci-fi thriller film directed by Zack Snyder, who also directed the film “300”, who works with producers Lawrence Gordon, Lloyd Levin, and Deborah Snyder. The screen writers are David Hayter, Alex Tse, and Dave Gibbons. Alan Moore was not credited however was involved.
The story is about a group of superheroes and their lives in the world set in an alternative 1985 era where Richard Nixon is elected for a 3rd term as president of the United States. Masked superheroes have become outlawed as most of our crime fighting heroes retire from their roles as the tension between the US and the USSR (Russia) are heated up in a threat that their maybe a nuclear war.
The superheroes in Watchmen date back all the way into the 1940s. In the beginning of the movie, while the opening credits were being presented, the film showed us a brief history of the “MinuteMen”.
Like all superheroes, they wanted to save the world however, as we all learned in life, we can only save and intervene for a portion of time until something goes wrong. The intro showed us the timeline of superheroes from 1940 to 1985, where one particular superhero, Edward Blake by the alias “The Comedian”, has been an active hero throughout the entire time.
The story continues as mysterious person breaks into Blake’s place and successfully kills him by throwing him out the window. Well not be into the point, there was a big fight scene. The masked vigilante, Walter Kovacs with the alias “Rorschach”, begins to investigate the murder and discovers that the man who died was “The Comedian”.
He proceeds to warn his ex-partners about the murder and that someone is out to kill the group of ex-superheroes. He investigates further to find out why and visits Blake’s retired arch villain, Moloch the Mystic, but finds that he has nothing to do with it and explains about his last encounter with Blake and reveals that he was on his bedside crying and explaining that everything was “One big joke.”
Dr. Jon Osterman is a scientist who took part in the research and experiment in a nuclear research center, however was accidently locked in the test chamber and was disintegrated into thin air. His co-workers saw his body disappear as he screamed in pain.
They pronounced him dead, however came back as a God-like man with abnormal powers in the cafeteria of the facility, he names himself Dr. Manhattan. A scientist with a genius mind and God-like powers, this was the being of perfection. Dr. Manhattan has powers beyond your wildest dream, he can make himself tall, melt objects, and even duplicate himself.
Unfortunately, he lacks the understanding of emotion and cannot seem maintain a relationship with Laurie "Jupiter" Juspezyk, with the alias Silk Spectre II. They break up unfortunately after trying to have sex when Jupiter finds out that he was working on the Energy Reactor with one form of his body and trying to have sex with her at the same time. Shortly after the breakup between Jupiter and Dr. Manhattan, she goes to visit Daniel Dreiberg, as ex-superhero who calls himself Nite Owl II. She had nowhere to go considering she only knew superheroes in her life.
The Energy Reactor is made of the same particles and elements Dr. Manhattan is made out of. They call it Sub Quantum Unifying Intrinsic Devices (S.Q.U.I.D.s). It is funded by a successful business man and retired superhero, Adrian Veidt, who revealed to the world he was Ozymandias by going public and revealing his face from his mask. He aids Dr. Manhattan with the funds to create the energy reactor in order to provide free energy for everybody.
The mystery behind the death of the comedian continues on as the story explains the lives of our heroes in their past and present life.
How much does a previous generation of heroes influence the future outcomes?
Are we able to continue fighting evil forever?
What do you think society will do when time goes by, as you grow old, and make mistakes?
Is it really safe to call them our heroes?
Will we ever learn and understand society as a whole and in a personal level?
How much evil can a villain do to push a hero over the limit to actual commit murder?
Is our answer to global unity in the hands of global destruction?
Watchmen, a story of individual vigilantes fighting in the name of honor, justice, and righteousness from a personal level to save humanity.
This movie was long, but was perfectly done. It left no holes. A masterpiece and great original work. A must see. Seriously.
Yar..I had more to write about, but that's spoiling the movie, WATCH IT!
Sidd Rating: 10/10
Now I noticed that people are giving it bad reps, but I don’t know why, however I come up with five facts why.
1.) You don’t think.
2.) You were doing something else then following the story or let alone watching the movie.
3.) You don’t know the history of the US past during the 1940s – 1980s (in-depth in all aspects).
4.) You never heard of these superhero characters and found it difficult.
5.) You can’t watch the whole movie through and lose focus.
Holy god. Finally :3.
ReplyDeleteThis movie looks like a perfect adaption to the 12 issue comic series..not that I read them..but for those who didn't..like me..at least we get the full story right in front of us. o-o Compared to all the other comic movies this one is muuuuch better. DC comics really knows how to make their movies..unlike the worthless Marvel studios who just thinks about bleeding their characters with cliff hanger movies. Yeah that's right! I'm looking at you "insert Marvel superhero here"..how about a fucking ending!
Good review Sidd. :3